28 February 2010

So It Geuze (Soit Geuze!)

Hello et Bonjour.

Welcome and Bienvenue to So It Geuze / Soit Geuze!

Here you will find the writings of a young explorer in the great land of Belgium, terre sainte (holy land) for beer lovers everywhere.

The name So It Geuze is a silly pun on the Vonnegutian «So it goes», the postmortum mantra of Slaughterhouse-Five. The name Soit Geuze! is French for «All right Geuze!» or something like that. I like puns, so I apologize up front about that. And I like practicing my French, so that too, but I'll try to translate as I go.

Oh, and geuze? Geuze is an amazing, wonderful style of beer only made in Belgium around Brussels. I'll get into it more later, but for now, just hold tight.

Soit! Like Tintin, boy journalist, I will tour Belgium and the world to find the best stories to tell. Unlike Tintin, I am old enough to drink, so these stories will center around beer and its marvels.

Please, be my Milou (Snowy) and join me.


1 comment:

  1. I love the blog title! (In France french, at least, soit means "either" or the conditional form of the verb to be: "be it." Soit l'un, soit l'autre = either the one or the other = be it one, be it the other.)
